Artist of the Year 2019: Sion Sono

I didn’t write anything for Sion Sono’s year, since at the time, this diary didn’t exist, and also because by the end of 2019, I didn’t really care for his movies. I was particularly put off my his depiction and treatment of female characters, and found the “it’s a critique!” defence facile. To see him now accused of sexual assault isn’t quite surprising. To quote someone from Twitter, I don’t mean “in a ‘haha I saw this coming and you didnt’ way but in a ‘men can’t ironically include panty shots in ther film’ way”.

自殺サークル Suicide Club (2001)

HAZARD Hazard (2005)


夢の中へ Into a Dream (2005)

ラブソング Love Song (1984)

奇妙なサーカス Strange Circus (2005)

紀子の食卓 Noriko's Dinner Table (2005)

男の花道 A Man's Flower Road (1986)

気球クラブ、その後 Balloon Club, Afterwards (2006)

エクステ Exte: Hair Extensions (2007)

決戦!女子寮対男子寮 Decisive Match! Girls Dorm Against Boys Dorm (1988)

愛のむきだし Love Exposure (2009)

冷たい熱帯魚 Cold Fish (2010)

My Future Is Cinema's Future 2013

恋の罪 Guilty of Romance (2011)

ヒミズ Himizu (2011)

希望の国 The Land of Hope (2012)

ひそひそ星 The Whispering Star (2015)

部屋 The Room (1992)

父の日 Father's Day (2003)

TOKYO TRIBE Tokyo Tribe (2014)

桂子ですけど I Am Keiko (1997)

リアル鬼ごっこ Tag (2015)

ラブ&ピース Love & Peace (2015)

性戯の達人 女体壺さぐり Teachers of Sexual Play: Modelling Vessels with the Female Body (2000)

みんな!エスパーだよ! The Virgin Psychics (2015)

新宿スワン Shinjuku Swan (2015)

地獄でなぜ悪い Why Don't You Play in Hell? (2013)

愛なき森で叫べ The Forest of Love (2019)